5 Tips to Help You Find the Perfect Gift

It is that time of year again, time to pick gifts for the holidays. Finding the perfect gift for a family member or someone special is always a challenge. Here are some helpful tips that you can use to find the perfect gift.

Make a list.  The simplest ideas can be the most useful. All you do is write down that person’s interests.  Write down every idea that comes to mind, good or bad, then eliminate the not-so-great ideas. For the good ideas, write examples that could work. As you write down more examples, combine some of them to make the gifts more personal and thoughtful. Do they love Star Wars and cooking? You can get them a pan in the shape of the Millennium Falcon. Do they need new tools but love Marvel? Why not get them a Thor’s Mjolnir toolbox?

Do some social media stalking.  Social media is the easiest way to see what they are into. You can read their Facebook posts to see if they talked about any specific products or mentioned that they needed something.  If you can, go to Amazon and look at their Wishlist to see what kinds of things they have saved. If they have a Pinterest account, you can dig through and find an idea that they like and make it for them.

Something personal.  Sometimes it is best not to overthink a gift. For some people, the simple things give them the most joy. You can give them a funny picture of the two of you or just you. If you have a memory of them that you love, like going to the beach for the first time, you could get a jar, put sand and shells with a Polaroid with fairy lights in it. Or if they are not from here, get them something that reminds them of home, which they may be missing. For example, if they’re from Japan, see if you can find some candy that is made only in Japan like green tea KitKat’s.

Go out and look.  The best idea could be actually to go shopping. You can wander in Chandler Fashion Center for a couple of hours or visit discount or antique stores. Try to remember if you ever shopped together and if your friend pointed something out.  You may see something and have that moment of “AHH THAT’S PERFECT!” like an old vinyl record that your grandparents said they had years ago and wished they had again.

Make them laugh.  Some people love humor or funny gags – exploit that.  What do they find to be funny?  If it is physical humor, you could get them a gift that shoots confetti or makes an inappropriate joke. Word play is another easy one; you could take the time to look at some funny sarcasm. Dark humor is a little harder to do, but you could make a mug with a dark joke.

There are plenty of gifts out there, and these tips will help you find the perfect one.

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